Nectar Grazing Box & Platter
Nectar Grazing Box & Platter

Nectar Grazing Box & Platter


The nectar grazing platter is a delightful and refreshing arrangement that combines a variety of fresh and dried fruits, nuts, a few sweet treats, and a drizzle of honey. This delectable platter presents a symphony of colours and flavours, inviting you to indulge your taste buds in a world of sweetness and crunch.

Bursting with vibrant seasonal fruit, Nectar offers a delightful contrast of textures and tastes. The addition of nuts provides a satisfying crunch, while a handful of carefully selected sweet treats adds a touch of decadence. As a finishing touch, a generous drizzle of honey cascades over the platter, infusing each morsel with its rich and luscious flavor. The nectar grazing platter is a true celebration of nature's bounties, an irresistible feast for both the eyes and the palate.

Order timeframes and delivery

When ordering a grazing box or platter, you can select the day and time that you would like your order delivered. You will be prompted to do this when you check-out. Orders need to be placed by 3pm for next day delivery and pick-up. 

Delivery: deliveries commence from 6am daily. At checkout, you will be able to select a specific time for delivery. 

Pick-up: all boxes and platters may be picked up from our Double Bay shopfront, free of charge.



Lightweight, elastic knitted material.


Modern cushioning brings comfort to the feet.


Design embracing the legs, elegant, not too rough


The material is not dirty so it is easy to wash


Designed to cool and deodorize


The sole is made of special abrasion resistant rubber



Johny Janea

- Gymer -

Testimonials from Customer: “This is where you let your customers do the talk for you”

Johny Jane

- Gymer -

Testimonials from Customer: “This is where you let your customers do the talk for you”

Johny Jane

- Gymer -

Testimonials from Customer: “This is where you let your customers do the talk for you”



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